DESCRIPTION: The Model #1 is as close to a ¾ scale of the field piece as you can get. The primary difference is the folding handspike system and the leather belts to secure the implements. Aside from smaller bolt and rondell sizes the only extra piece of hardware are the drag hooks which adorn the front of the cheeks. Due to misuse by cannoneers, the Model #1 was replaced by the Model #2 whose major difference was the single piece stock trail that incorporated the cheeks.
The carriage is made from kiln dried white oak & ash with laminated trail and axle body. The steel axle tree has straight axle arms
1 ½ " diameter from shoulder to linch, drooped for correct ‘cant’ of the wheels.
Irons are primed and painted a gloss black. There are two options for the finish of the wooden components on the carriage and wheels.
Priced at $6,985.00 with straight axle arms.
**Prices do not include sponge & rammer, worm or sponge bucket.
Prices subject to change without notice.
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